Monday, July 07, 2008

Close-up your view!

Ants - Into the deep

Recently I have been craving for photography! That's so wonderful world that I have to figure out what I've done. Yeah... My eyes become opened more widely after knowing that there are so many beauties shown by the mother nature! I even am being captured by nature rather than I capture things before my eyes with my camera!

Look around you! Perhaps you do not realize that spectacular shows have been just going on. But when you take a close-up angle onto things before you, you'll find out something spectacular! Natural entertainments will catch your eyes and attention. From one scenery to another will just lead you into an amazing world you've never realized before! At least that's what I experience until this post.

Euphorbia - Blossom of The Second Layer Waterdrop

Flowers, plants, insects, clouds, droplets, leaves, people, stones, landscapes, etc., all will show the unlimitted beauties of nature. Look at these pictures! I'm not an expert in photography, but I try to pick the moments, compositions, colors into my interpretations about beauty of them. You know? When a picture done, I feel contented, and then there is such an invitation to the next shows and explorations.

What I can say about this world before my lens is, "Oh my God, you are so beautiful!" And I got a wisdom from this restarted hobby: Close-up your view, and you'll understand deeper! [skd]

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  1. mas bagus banget fotonya. aku masih gagal memoto embun atau air yang menggantung. padahal udah aku coba. di rumah ada daun yang berlapis lilin itu lo. tak kucuri air... dan tak poto. ehhh gagal maning gagal maning. triknya gmana to?

  2. Mbak Ika pakai kamera apa? Gambar-gambar itu aku jepret pake Canon PowerShot A400 ama A650. Kedua-duanya kamera saku digital keluaran Canon. Trus dijepret pake "macro" yang simbolnya bunga itu loh... Kebetulan seri Canon A650 bisa njepret objek yang berjarak 1cm.

    Jadi... yang hebat tuh kameranya! Hehehehe...


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